Rabu, 04 Juni 2014

Kode "Q"

KodePertanyaanJawaban atau Pernyataan
QLEApa sinyal yang diharapkan?Sinyal yang diharapkan adalah rendah ...
QRAApa nama (atau tanda panggilan) dari stasiun Anda?Nama (atau tanda panggilan) dari stasiun saya adalah ...
QRGMaukah Anda memberitahu saya frekuensi yang tepat saya (atau dari ...)?Frekuensi yang tepat Anda (atau dari ...) adalah ... kHz (atau MHz).
QRHApakah frekuensi saya bervariasi?Frekuensi bervariasi.
QriBagaimana nada transmisi saya?Nada transmisi Anda adalah (1 Good;.. 2 Variable;. 3 Bad)
QRJBerapa banyak kontak suara yang ingin Anda buat?Saya ingin membuat ... kontak suara.
QRKApa pembacaan sinyal saya (atau orang-orang ...)?Pembacaan sinyal Anda (atau orang-orang dari ...) adalah ... (1 sampai 5).
QRLApakah Anda sibuk?Saya sibuk. (Atau saya sibuk dengan ...) Harap tidak mengganggu.
QRMApakah Anda memiliki gangguan?Saya memiliki gangguan.
QRNApakah Anda terganggu oleh statis?Saya terganggu dengan statis.
QROHaruskah aku meningkatkan kekuatan?Meningkatkan daya.
QRPHaruskah aku menurunkan daya?Penurunan daya.
QRQHaruskah saya mengirim lebih cepat?Kirim lebih cepat (... wpm)
QRSHaruskah saya mengirim lebih lambat?Kirim lebih lambat (... wpm)
QRTHaruskah aku berhenti atau menangguhkan operasi? / Shutoff radioSaya menangguhkan operasi. / Mematikan radio
QRUApakah Anda sesuatu untuk saya?Aku punya apa-apa untuk Anda.
QRVApakah Anda siap?Saya siap.
QRWHaruskah aku memberitahu ... bahwa anda memanggilnya pada ... kHz (atau MHz)?Harap informasikan ... bahwa saya memanggilnya pada ... kHz (atau MHz).
QRXHaruskah aku standby / Ketika Anda akan menelepon saya lagi?Silahkan standby / I akan menghubungi Anda lagi di ... (jam) pada ... kHz (atau MHz)
QRZSiapa yang memanggil saya?Anda sedang dipanggil oleh ... pada ... kHz (atau MHz)
QSAApa kekuatan sinyal saya (atau orang-orang ...)?Kekuatan sinyal Anda (atau orang-orang dari ...) adalah ... (1 sampai 5).
QSBApakah sinyal saya memudar?Sinyal Anda memudar.
QSDApakah keying saya rusak?Keying Anda rusak.
QSGHaruskah saya mengirim ... telegram (pesan) pada suatu waktu?Kirim ... telegram (pesan) pada suatu waktu.
QSKDapatkah Anda mendengar saya antara sinyal Anda?Saya dapat mendengar Anda antara sinyal saya.
QSLDapatkah Anda mengakui penerimaan?Saya mengakui penerimaan.
SMMHaruskah aku mengulangi telegram terakhir (message) yang saya mengutus kamu, atau telegram sebelumnya (message)?Ulangi telegram terakhir (message) yang Anda kirimkan kepada saya (atau telegram (s) (message (s)) angka (s) ...).
QSNApakah Anda mendengar saya (atau ... (panggilan tanda)) pada .. kHz (atau MHz)?Aku mendengar Anda (atau ... (panggilan tanda)) di ... kHz (atau MHz).
QSODapatkah Anda berkomunikasi dengan ... langsung atau dengan estafet?Saya dapat berkomunikasi dengan ... langsung (atau dengan estafet melalui ...).
QSPApakah Anda menyampaikan pesan ke ...?Saya akan menyampaikan pesan ke ....
QSRApakah Anda ingin saya ulangi panggilan saya?Silahkan ulangi panggilan Anda; Aku tidak mendengar Anda.
QSSApa frekuensi kerja yang akan Anda gunakan?Saya akan menggunakan frekuensi kerja ... kHz (atau MHz).
QST-Berikut adalah pesan broadcast ke semua amatir.
QSUHaruskah saya mengirim atau membalas pada frekuensi ini (atau ... kHz (atau MHz))?Mengirim atau membalas pada frekuensi ini (atau ... kHz (atau MHz)).
QSWApakah Anda kirim pada frekuensi ini (atau ... kHz (atau MHz))?Saya akan mengirim pada frekuensi ini (atau ... kHz (atau MHz)).
QSXApakah Anda mendengarkan ... (panggilan tanda (s) pada ... kHz (atau MHz))?Saya mendengarkan ... (panggilan tanda (s) pada ... kHz (atau MHz))
QSYHaruskah aku mengubah transmisi pada frekuensi lain?Ubah ke transmisi pada frekuensi lain (atau ... kHz (atau MHz)).
QSZHaruskah saya mengirim setiap kata atau kelompok lebih dari sekali?Kirim setiap kata atau kelompok dua kali (atau ... kali).
QTAHaruskah saya membatalkan telegram (message) No ... seolah-olah itu belum dikirim?Batal telegram (message) No ... seolah-olah itu belum dikirim.
QTCBerapa banyak telegram (pesan) yang telah Anda kirim?Saya memiliki ... telegram (pesan) untuk Anda (atau ...).
QTHApa posisi Anda dalam lintang dan bujur (atau sesuai dengan indikasi lain)?Posisi saya adalah ... lintang bujur ...
QTRApa waktu yang tepat?Waktu yang benar adalah ... jam
QTUPada waktu mana Anda beroperasi?Saya beroperasi dari ... ke ... jam.
QTXApakah Anda tetap stasiun Anda terbuka untuk komunikasi lebih lanjut dengan saya sampai pemberitahuan lebih lanjut (atau sampai ... jam)?Aku akan menjaga stasiun terbuka untuk komunikasi lebih lanjut dengan Anda sampai pemberitahuan lebih lanjut (atau sampai ... jam).
QuaApakah Anda berita ... (panggilan tanda)?Berikut adalah berita ... (panggilan tanda).
QUCApa adalah jumlah (atau indikasi lainnya) dari pesan terakhir yang Anda terima dari saya (atau dari ... (panggilan tanda))?Jumlah (atau indikasi lainnya) dari pesan terakhir yang saya terima dari Anda (atau dari ... (panggilan tanda)) adalah ...
QudApakah Anda menerima sinyal keadaan mendesak yang dikirim oleh ... (tanda panggilan dari mobile station)?Saya telah menerima sinyal keadaan mendesak yang dikirim oleh ... (tanda panggilan dari mobile station) di ... jam.
QUEDapatkah Anda berbicara dalam ... (bahasa), - dengan penerjemah jika diperlukan;jika demikian, apa frekuensi?Saya bisa berbicara dalam ... (bahasa) di ... kHz (atau MHz).
QufApakah Anda menerima sinyal marabahaya yang dikirim oleh ... (tanda panggilan dari mobile station)?Saya telah menerima sinyal marabahaya yang dikirim oleh ... (tanda panggilan dari mobile station) di ... jam.



Negara Asal:    Amerika Serikat
Keterangan:    HUSTLER G7 - 144

Specification :
FRQ : 144-150 MHz
GAIN : 7 db
POWER : 600 W

* Electrical :
- Radiation pattern : Omni Directional, Low Angel
- SWR : 1.2: 1 at resonance
- Maximum Power Input 600 Watts
- Gain : 7 db
- Impedance : 50 Ohms nominal
- Lightning protection : Shunt fed direct ground
- Termination : Type N Female

* Mechanical :
- Lenght : 15' 4 " Long 1.25 " telescopic to 3/ 8 " O.D
- Weight : 10 lb
- Radials : Four 20.25 " x 0.375 " O.D
- Mounting : Vertical Support up to 1.75 " O.D pipe


Negara Asal:    Jepang
Keterangan:    ANTENNA DIAMOND F 23 H

Specification :
- Freq : 144-174 MHz
- Length : 4.6 M / Weight : 1.7 Kg
- VSWR : less then 1.5: 1 / Rated wind velocity : 50M / sec / Mast diameter accepted : 30-62 / Connector MJ / Type Omni Directional 3 x 5/ 8, FRP Outershell


Negara Asal:    Amerika Serikat
Keterangan:    HY GAIN V2R

COLLINEAR 2M VERTICAL 138 175 MHZ SO-239 5, 2 dBi

2 Meter vertical with 3 dBd gain derived from the famous extented double zepp antenna design. Radiating elements are two collinear 5/ 8 waves fed in phase. 2 sets of 1/ 4 wave radials properly decouple lower radiator from the mast. The S) -239, handles 500 Watts. 9 Feet


Negara Asal:    Jepang
Keterangan:    ANTENNA DIAMOND F 23 H

Specification :
- Freq : 144-174 MHz
- Length : 5.2 M / Weight : 2.0 Kg
- VSWR : less then 1.5: 1 / Rated wind velocity 40M / sec / Mast diameter accepted : 30-62 / Connector MJ / Type Omni Directional 3 x 5/ 8, FRP Outershell

Fiberglass radomes
- Overlapping outer shells for added strength
- Strong waterproof joint coupling
- Stainless steel hardware
- Wide Band performance
- Factory adjusted, no tuning required
- Highest gain
- High wind rating
- DC grounded


 FT-2900R 75 Watt Heavy-Duty 144 MHz FM Transceiver Output daya tinggi dengan No Cooling Fan Diperlukan, yang besar, mudah dibaca menampilkan, dan satu-sentuhan KABEL ™ Internet Linking kemampuan Access adalah milikmu dengan kasar baru FT-2900R!
75 Watts Output Power
75 Watts Solid RF Power dengan No Cooling Fan Needed! Empat tingkat output daya dipilih disediakan: 75/30/10/5 Watts. Pemilihan daya dapat disimpan ke dalam memori, memungkinkan Anda untuk menghemat daya ketika menggunakan repeater lokal yang kuat.
Large LCD Display
Besar 6 digit backlit LCD pada FT-2900R memastikan visibilitas yang sangat baik
Keras Audio dengan Internal Speaker
The FT-2900R paket 3W BIG watt Keras Audio dengan perusahaan Speaker internal sendiri bagi mereka lingkungan yang bising.
Baik Receiver Kinerja
Front end penerima FT-2900R yang dilengkapi Yaesu yang terkenal Lanjutan Jalur Tuning RF masukan penyaringan, yang memberikan perlindungan yang luar biasa dari Intermodulation distorsi.
CTCSS dan DCS Encode / Decode Built In
Untuk akses repeater yang mudah, atau pemantauan diam saluran sibuk, baik CTCSS dan DCS (Digital Kode Squelch) sirkuit Encoder / Decoder built in data konfigurasi CTCSS dan DCS dapat disimpan secara independen di setiap channel memori. A "Berpisah Tone" mode juga memungkinkan operasi pada sistem di mana CTCSS dan DCS digunakan secara terpisah pada repeater uplink / downlink.
Luas Memori Sistem
The FT-2900R menyediakan total 221 saluran memori, termasuk 200 kenangan "biasa", sepuluh pasang band-limit kenangan, dan instant-recall "Home" channel Anda dapat mendedikasikan ke repeater yang sering digunakan atau frekuensi simpleks. Kenangan dapat menyimpan informasi repeater shift, Data CTCSS / DCS, tingkat output daya, status pemindaian ("Skip"), dan label Alpha-Numeric.
Alpha-Numeric Saluran Tampilan
Saluran memori dapat ditampilkan dengan frekuensi saluran atau label Alpha-Numeric pribadi, untuk pengakuan saluran mudah. Sampai dengan enam huruf, karakter, atau nomor dapat digunakan untuk saluran pelabelan.
KABEL Internet Menghubungkan Access Fitur
The FT-2900R termasuk nyaman terletak "Internet" tombol, untuk akses cepat ke sistem repeater Internet-linked. Internet repeater menghubungkan memungkinkan Anda untuk menggunakan FT-2800M untuk berbicara dengan Amatir lainnya di seluruh dunia, dengan kualitas sinyal suara yang luar biasa. The "Internet" tombol dapat dikonfigurasi untuk mengirim salah satu digit DTMF, atau string DTMF, untuk operasi pada KABEL ™ (Wide-Cakupan Internet Repeater Enhancement System) repeater, atau repeater terkait-Internet lainnya menggunakan akses nada DTMF. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang KABEL ™, silakan kunjungi situs web kami (www.yaesu.com), atau mengirim e-mail ke WIRES@vxstdusa.com.
Saluran WX dengan
Sebuah bank memori Band Cuaca khusus 10-channel disediakan dalam versi AS, yang memungkinkan akses cepat ke siaran cuaca NOAA. Ketika 1050-Hz "parah Cuaca" Nada tanda ditransmisikan, FT-2900R dapat dikonfigurasi untuk memancarkan nada alarm untuk mendapatkan perhatian Anda dengan cepat. Dengan "Cuaca Alert" fitur diaktifkan, FT-2900R akan memindai sepuluh kenangan cuaca, berhenti hanya jika nada 1050 Hz diterima.
MH-48A6J DTMF Direct Access Microphone
The backlit MH-48A6J mikrofon memungkinkan masuknya frekuensi keypad langsung, atau saluran memori keypad ingat. Pada transmisi, MH-48A6J memungkinkan entri manual nada DTMF untuk digunakan autopatch, dan FT-2900R juga mencakup sembilan memori, 16-digit DTMF Autodialer. Empat user-programmable "lunak" tombol pada mikrofon dapat diprogram untuk kontrol yang mudah dari sejumlah fitur yang berbeda, dan [A] / [B] / [C] / [D] kunci meniru fungsi dari tombol pada panel depan transceiver, untuk kenyamanan maksimal saat berkendara.



All-Terrain Performance
All-Terrain Performance
Frontiers are not for the meek. It takes a rugged 4WD vehicle to meet the challenges of the wilderness. And Kenwood's new TM-271A is built just as tough. This compact, MIL-STD-compliant transceiver delivers powerful mobile performance and such advanced features as multiple scan functions and memory names, as well as NOAA Weather Band & emergency alert reception*. On or off the road, you can always enjoy the sophistication of high-quality audio. Illuminated keys and a large LCD with adjustable green backlighting for easy operation day or night. The TM-271A is the ideal companion for all your travels.


Despite its size, the TM-271A can provide an impressive 60 watts of RF power, with a choice of High/Low output.


This transceiver is capable of receiving the NOAA Weather Band and responding to emergency transmissions such as storm warnings by emitting an audible alert tone.


Built tough to take rough treatment in its stride, the TM-271A meets the strict U.S. Department of Defense MIL-STD 810 C, D, E and the latest F environmental standards for vibration and shock.       


Capable of displaying up to 6 large alphanumeric characters, the positive-type green LCD display comes with a 32-step brightness control to suit all driving conditions. Also, the front panel and microphone keypads are both illuminated for ease of use. Note that keys for only the 5 most frequently used functions are arranged on the front panel for simplicity (other functions can be quickly accessed via menu).


The TM-271A is supplied with a DTMF microphone as standard.


The large oval (2.28" x 1.38") speaker mounted in the front panel provides excellent clarity.


Each of the 200 memory channels can be used to store, transmit, and receive frequencies independently. Additionally, memory data can be edited and stored on your computer using MCP-1A Memory Control software. For details on purchasing an interface cable, consult your local dealer.        MCP-1A


At-a-glance identification of 100 memory channels is possible with up to 6 alphanumeric characters per channel. Up to 200 channels are available if the memory name function is not used.


For maximum versatility, the TM-271A offers several scan functions, including VFO (band) scan, all memory scan, program scan, memory group scan (group scan), call scan, tone/CTCSS scan, DCS scan and priority scan, which checks a priority channel every 3 seconds. TO (Time-operated), CO (carrier-operated) and seek scan resume modes are also provided.


The built-in CTCSS and DCS encoder/decoder enables operation of the 42 CTCSS subtone frequencies and 104 DCS subtone codes.


Thanks to the built-in TCXO, frequency stability is ±2.5ppm, while frequency drift is less than ±365 Hz at -20°C ~ +60°C.


    Power-on Message        Wide/Narrow Deviation Selection (per channel)
    1750Hz Tone Burst        Automatic Simplex Checker
    Reverse Repeater Checker        Auto Repeater Offset
    Beep On/Off        Auto Power Off
    Time Out Timer        Channel Display Mode
    Busy Channel Lock-out        Memory Channel Lock-out
    MR-shift        Direct Frequency Enter
    Key Lock


Radio HYT TM-800

Built-in Scrambler
Maintaining private and secure communications is increasingly important, with potentially sensitive information flowing back and forth. The TM-800’s scrambler feature provides enhanced security for your important public safety and private security communications.

Auxiliary Port & Software Upgradeable
Three auxiliary ports are reserved for second development: GPS, Data Transmission and repeater, etc.
Software Upgradeable allows new functions add-in to accommodate future updates, without opening the unit.

512 Channels and Dynamic Regrouping
High 512-channel operating capacity on the TM-800 enables the mobiles to accommodate a vast number of users and work groups concurrently. Each zone or channel can be assigned with a customized name for easy identification. Dynamic regrouping provides greater flexibility in organizing different work groups.

Automatic Number Identification (ANI)
When the mobile radio receives HDC1200* or HDC2400TM* signaling, ID or alias of the transmitter can be displayed. Your radio supports a selective call list containing up to 200 items of ID and Alias.

Short Message
User can edit messages via keypad microphone, or send pre-defined messages.
Messages can be sent between radios or via the control center.

Public Address (PA)
The PA feature feeds MIC audio through a powerful external PA amplifier, and outputs through external speaker, offering robust audio clarity in harsh, noisy environments.

Dot Matrix Alphanumeric LCD
The large alphanumeric display with user-friendly icons helps make information easy to understand at a glance. The display is switchable among channel number/alias, zone number/alias, frequency, short message, DTMF dial number, and menu options.
The display illuminations also provide the visibility to operate your radio in the darkness.

Multi-language Capabilities
The display can be dealer customized for indication in languages other than English.

8 Programmable backlight keys
Provides immediate and easy access with your favorite features.

Provides enhanced security to prevent unauthorized use of lost or rental units, by remote inhibition of either transmit or transmit/receive. A stunned radio can be remotely revived upon the revive code is received.

Horn Alert
Upon receiving DTMF, 2-Tone,5-Tone, HDC2400TM*, or HDC1200* signaling, the TM-800 mobile radio can remote control other electronic equipments on vehicle.

Versatile Scan
Three scan modes are available: single zone scan, multiple zone scan and list zone scan. Achievable functions include add/delete scan channel, temporarily close priority channel, temporarily delete nuisance channel, and user selectable priority channel.

Front Panel Programming
The feature enables easy access to customize radio parameter settings to fit user needs.

Over-heating Protection
In case of long time transmission at high power, the TM-800 series will automatically switch to low output power to avoid radio over-heating.

UST (User Selectable Tone)
User can select CTCSS/CDCSS codes via the programmed function key. Each stored UST code can be assigned with a customized name for convenient operation.

DTMF Function
Functions include DTMF ANI, DTMF flexible dialing: manual dial, redial, short number dial, and auto-dial; maximum 32 groups of DTMF encode can be stored and each can be assigned with a customized name. DTMF calling provides individual & group call and over-the-air transmit inhibit/stun/revive/kill functions. When DTMF call is received, there’s an audible-visual alert. DTMF PTT ID or alias could be displayed on the LCD to identify the transmitter.

Built-in Modem
The built-in 1200/2400bps MSK modulator offers data transmission function.

Emergency Siren
In case of emergencies or accidents, this feature lets you transmit discreetly signals to the control center or a pre-defined person for emergency help.

Radio HYT TM-610

Automatic Number Identification (ANI)
After HDC2400TM or HDC1200 signalling is received, the radio will display the ID or alias of the other party. The radio firmware supports a selective call list containing up to 128 (128 for TM-610, 8 for TM-600) items.

Built-in modem
The built-in 1200/2400bps MSK modulator offers data transmission capability.*

Emergency alarm
The emergency button allows for a transmission of a signal indicating an emergency situation.

Stun and revive
The stun function permits an authorized radio to remote disable another lost radio. This function can ensure you higher security and is perfect for the radio rental business.

A stunned radio will return to operational use when the revive code is received.

DTMF function
The DTMF calling function offers flexible dialing procedures of alias dialing, auto dial and redial as well as manual dialing. Customized, user friendly number storage can be used for your most often called numbers.

Public Address (PA)
The public address feature feeds microphone audio through a powerful PA amplifier to the external speaker, offering robust, out of vehicle, audio clarity.

Large 15-Segment LCD Display (TM-610)
Users may toggle the display to channels or zones, auto dial numbers or other functional settings. The keypad and display illuminates to provide visibility for night time operation.

8-Segment Numeric LED (TM-600)
The numeric 8 segment display indicates the channel of operation. LEDs also indicate channel scan and transmit power operation.

128 Channels and Dynamic Regrouping (TM-610)
The 128 channel and zoning capability of the TM-610 offers flexibility in organizing work groups. Each channel and zone can be assigned a user friendly name for easy identification. Dynamic regrouping offers flexibility in a changing work group environment.

Lone Worker
The lone worker feature provides added security and safety for individuals who work remotely from their team. Since this function is enabled, the radio will emit an alert tone after the preset time elapses, then the user must press any key, otherwise the emergency procedure will be activated.Ignition Sense, Timed Power Off.When this function is enabled, you have to connect the ignition wire to the rear panel of the radio so that you can turn on/off the radio by igniting/stalling the car. The radio can only be turned on by igniting the car and will be turned off automatically within the preset time after the car stalls.

6(TM-610)/4(TM-600)Programmable Backlit Keys
Provides immediate and easy access to your most often used features.

Versatile Scan (TM-610)
The TM-610 scan allows for single or multiple zone scanning. Scanning features include add / delete scan channels, nuisance channel delete and user selectable priority channel.

Channel Scan (TM-600)
The TM-600’s scan feature offers priority channel scan, selectable priority channel, nuisance channel temporary delete, etc.

Wired Cloning / MSK Wireless Cloning
Allows users to quickly and easily duplicate one radio’s parameters into another radio.

UST (User Selectable Tone)
The user can select CTCSS/CDCSS codes via the programmed function key.

Radio HYT TC-700

Ideal for high-level professionals who want powerful yet streamlined communication tools, the TC-700 series are packed with cutting-edge technology and HYT innovations. HYT' s voice compander audio enhancement and a powerful 1W speaker ensure superb clear, crisp sound, even in noisy environments. Its sleek, ergonomic design makes this TC-700 series radio easy to hold and carry - and it' s so lightweight you can take it virtually anywhere.

Wide-band Coverage
Allows users the flexibility to select their frequency for use in their respective work environment.

Powerful Audio Output
HYT' s voice compander audio enhancement and a powerful ( with a diameter of 40mm) ensure superb clear, crisp sound, even in noisy environments.

Safety Assurance
Safety and security are critical factors for modern organizations. The TC-700' s Lone worker, Man Down ( optional) and Emergency Siren features are designed to assure your safety in case of emergencies or accidents.

Hytera HDC2400TM and HDC1200 Signalling
Hytera HDC2400TM signaling system allows features including Identification, Calling Timer, Voice Storage, Retrieve Record, Individual Call, Group Call, Broadcast, Stun/ Kill & Revive, Status Inquiry, Short Message and Data Transmission. ( Some are features of dispatch center.)

Radio HYT TC-580

As a combination of efficiency and usability, TC-580 is definitely the best choice for various kinds of users. With an intelligent design of LCD, numeric keypad, wide-band coverage, 256 channels, manual frequency input and versatile call, TC-580 has integrated cutting-edge analog technology, and shall definitely fulfill any demand on conventional communication.
With practical needs of mission critical workers in mind, it deserves your trust.

Display Reverse
TC-580 supports a 180-degree reverse of the displayed contents so as to adapt to various work conditions. With this feature, you can learn radio statuses even without taking down the radio.

Powerful Front Pannel Programming
Large front panel buttons facilitate easy programming of nearly the whole radio parameters and functions without the need for additional equipment.

Select Call & Caller Identification
With the signaling of DTMF, versatile call functions are available such as caller ID identification and select call.

256 Channels & 32 Zones
This channel capacity makes the radio suitable for large radio system applications of systems where channel capacity can be used to increase and simplify unique calling requirements.
Where large numbers of channels are being used, they can be grouped into smaller blocks to allow for easier navigation and segregation.
Emergency Alarm
If you encounter an emergency, TC-580 will sound harsh alarms and send a signal to the control center for help immediately.

Radio HYT TC-518

Enables the transmission of caller ID and allows user to identify incoming callers.

Voice Compander
HYTâ € ™ s voice compander audio enhancement ensures superb clear, crisp sound, even in noisy environments.

The scrambler feature provides enhanced security for your important public safety and private security communications.

LED Battery Gauge
The TC-510/ 518 allows you to simply press one button to illuminate the tri-color LED battery gauge, which indicates battery strength levels for more effective power management.

Voice Operated Transmit ( VOX)
Enjoy the convenience of hands-free operation when used with optional accessories.

High/ Low Power Switchable
By simple pressing one button, users can switch to low power when communicating within limited range coverage or switch to high power when further distance is required. High transmit power optimizes range coverage while low transmit power conserves battery consumption, all at the userâ € ™ s control.

Programmable Channel Spacing ( Wide/ Narrow Band Selectable)
Wide/ narrow band will be selected according to using environments. When channel resources are limited, select narrow band ( 12.5KHz) to save channel resources; otherwise, select wide band ( 25KHz) .

Allows users to monitor the activities on the current channel. The feature is especially helpful for receiving a weak signal.

Battery Save
The Battery Save feature is automatically activated once no activity on the channel and no operation performed, for extended operation time.

Low Battery Alert
Alert users to recharge the battery should the battery level run low.

Busy Channel Lockout
Avoid interference with the users using the same channel by preventing transmission if another talk group is already on the air.

Time-out Timer
The feature allows for more efficient use of channels by limiting the amount of time of each transmission.

CTCSS/ CDCSS Encode & Decode
Set up workgroups/ users with unique CDCSS/ CTCSS to prevent unwanted conversations on the same frequency.

Squelch Tail Elimination
The function will minimize the annoying audio outputs that occur at the receiver on completion of a transmission.

Selectable Squelch Level ( 0-9)
Helps minimize interference from undesired weak signals and helps weak signals be heard.

Channel Scan
The channel scan feature enables a two-way radio to continuously scan each channel for activity. When activity is detected on a channel the scan process will stop and you will hear the transmission.

PC Programmable
You are able to customize the features of each radio for each user.

Wired Clone
Easily copy the features of one radio to another.


Motorola GM338


14 Characters 1-line Alphanumeric Display makes it easy to read both text and icon display.
128-channel operating capacity allows individually programmed channels for enhanced communication efficiency.
Voice compression and low level expansion technology ensures crisp, clear and strong audio quality.
4 customisable buttons allow one-touch easy access.


Two choices of signalling protocol: MDC1200 and Quick Call II.
Programmable channel spacing of 12.5/ 20/ 25 kHz offers versatility and easy migration of operating frequency band.
Remote mount control head can be mounted on the dashboard without the radio chassis, ideal for situations of space constraint.


Optional voice storage board allows recording and playback of messages for up to 120 seconds.
Up to 16 pre-assigned text messages can be pre-programmed, allowing sending of frequently used messages quick

Motorola GM3188
Product features:

8 channels
12.5/ 25kHz channel spacing
2 programmable buttons
PL/ DPL Codes
High/ Low Transmit Power settings
Repeater Talk around
Tight/ Normal Squelch
Priority Scan
Nuisance Channel Delete
Busy Channel Lockout
Time-out-timer ( 15 to 180 seconds, or infinite)
MDC Signalling
PTT-ID encode
Selective radio inhibit decode
Radio Check decode
Quick-Call II signaling
Call Alert decode
Selective Call decode
DTMF Signalling
PTT-ID encode

Motorola GM3688

Product features:

64 channels
8 alphanumeric character display
4 programmable buttons
12.5/ 25kHz channel spacing
PL/ DPL Codes
High/ Low Transmit Power settings
Repeater Talk around
Tight/ Normal Squelch
Dual Priority Scan
Nuisance Channel Delete
Home Revert
Busy Channel Lockout
Time-out-timer ( 15 to 180 seconds, or infinite)
MDC Signalling
-PTT-ID encode/ decode
-Selective radio inhibit decode
-Radio Check decode
Quick-Call II signaling
Call Alert encode/ decode
Selective Call encode/ decode
DTMF Signalling
PTT-ID encode
Selective Call encode
Call Alert encode

HT Motorola XIR P6620

Power output
1W/4W - UHF, 1W/5W - VHF
Battery life (based on a 05/05/90 duty cycle)
11.5 hours in digital mode, 8 hours in analog mode
Frequency band
4/5 Watt
Repeater capable
Standard battery chemistry type
Lithium Ion
1 Watt
Physical Characteristics
Emergency button
Weight (with standard battery)
10 oz (285 g)
Dimensions H x W x D (with standard battery)
4.80 x 2.20 x 1.43 in. (122 x 56 x 36.4 mm)
Radio Features
Transmit interrupt
Digital private line
Private line
Monitor/Permanent (Sticky) Monitor
Lone worker
Voice announcement
MDC (Encode/Decode), Quik-Call II (Encode/Decode), DTMF Encode
Intelligent audio
Programmable buttons
Voice operated transmit (VOX)
Time out timer
Scan types
Normal, Priority, Dual priority, Nuisance channel delete, Talk group, All group, System, Home revert
Phone book
Group call
One to one calling
Missed call alerts
CPS (Customer Programming Software)
Channel spacing
12.5, 25
Number of channels
256 channels
Channel scan
Caller ID
Call tones
Call forward
Busy channel lockout
System type
Conventional, TDMA
Digital technology
User Environment
IP Standards
Mil spec
810 C, 810 D, 810 E, 810 F, 810 G
Noise reduction software

HT Motorola XIR P6600

 Power output
1W/4W - UHF, 1W/5W - VHF
Battery life (based on a 05/05/90 duty cycle)
11.5 hours in digital mode, 8 hours in analog mode
Frequency band
4/5 Watt
Repeater capable
Standard battery chemistry type
Lithium Ion
1 Watt
Physical Characteristics
Emergency button
No display
Weight (with standard battery)
9.3 oz (265 g)
Dimensions H x W x D (with standard battery)
4.80 x 2.20 x 1.43 in. (122 x 56 x 36.4 mm)
Radio Features
Transmit interrupt
Digital private line
Private line
Monitor/Permanent (Sticky) Monitor
Lone worker
Voice announcement
MDC (Encode/Decode), Quik-Call II (Encode/Decode), DTMF Encode
Intelligent audio
Programmable buttons
Voice operated transmit (VOX)
Time out timer
Scan types
Normal, Priority, Dual priority, Nuisance channel delete, Talk group, All group, System, Home revert
Phone book
Group call
One to one calling
Missed call alerts
CPS (Customer Programming Software)
Channel spacing
12.5, 25
Number of channels
Channel scan
Caller ID
Call tones
Call forward
Busy channel lockout
System type
Digital technology
User Environment
IP Standards
Mil spec
810 C, 810 D, 810 E, 810 F, 810 G
Noise reduction software

HT Motorola GP338

Unsurpassed Audio Quality

Equipped with Motorola' s special voice processing technology, X-PAND™ and LLE, enables crisper, clearer and stronger audio quality, allowing you to keep communicating, even in noisy environment.

Smart Choices

Motorola’ s unique MDC signalling allows the transfer of data communications at the high-speed rate of 1200 bits per second.
The Forward error correction technology enables radio to receive message, like call alert and send out the PTT-ID even though the voice signal is too weak to be heard.
Expandable & easy to install in the field, by simply adding on option boards like voice storage board whenever your needs arise. The option board also allows up to 2 minutes of recording.
The plug-in mandown option board feature will trigger an emergency procedure in situations where the radio is horizontal or still for longer than a pre-programmed time. It is critical for radio users who work alone or in isolated environments.
The GP328 is certified by the US Factory Mutual standard intrinsically safe to operate in hazardous atmosphere.
The built-in voice-activated feature ( VOX) enables users to transmit their message in a hands-free environment, without pressing the push-to-talk button.

Easy To Use

Switchable RF Power Levels: with one button, users can switch between high and low power with reference to their specific application to conserve battery life.
Tri-colour LED Battery Gauge indicates battery status with early warning on low battery strength.
Tone Tagging allows 8 different ringing tones to be assigned to 8 specific users/ talkgroups making audio caller identification to these 8 groups possible.
Lightweight Lithium Ion battery option makes the radio one of the lightest in its range.

HT Motorola GP328

Unsurpassed Audio Quality

Equipped with Motorola' s special voice processing technology, X-PAND™ and LLE, enables crisper, clearer and stronger audio quality, allowing you to keep communicating, even in noisy environment.

Smart Choices

Motorola’ s unique MDC signalling allows the transfer of data communications at the high-speed rate of 1200 bits per second.
The Forward error correction technology enables radio to receive message, like call alert and send out the PTT-ID even though the voice signal is too weak to be heard.
Expandable & easy to install in the field, by simply adding on option boards like voice storage board whenever your needs arise. The option board also allows up to 2 minutes of recording.
The plug-in mandown option board feature will trigger an emergency procedure in situations where the radio is horizontal or still for longer than a pre-programmed time. It is critical for radio users who work alone or in isolated environments.
The GP328 is certified by the US Factory Mutual standard intrinsically safe to operate in hazardous atmosphere.
The built-in voice-activated feature ( VOX) enables users to transmit their message in a hands-free environment, without pressing the push-to-talk button.

Easy To Use

Switchable RF Power Levels: with one button, users can switch between high and low power with reference to their specific application to conserve battery life.
Tri-colour LED Battery Gauge indicates battery status with early warning on low battery strength.
Tone Tagging allows 8 different ringing tones to be assigned to 8 specific users/ talkgroups making audio caller identification to these 8 groups possible.
Lightweight Lithium Ion battery option makes the radio one of the lightest in its range.

HT Motorola CP 160


Built-in simple voice scrambling for increased privacy.
Built-in DTMF signalling provides caller identification and private communication.
Full Keypad provides easy accessibility to change channels or place a selective call ( DTMF signalling)
VOX ready for hands-free communication so users can focus on the job at hand.
The 99 channels allow users to organise their work teams into different talk groups, increasing the flexibility of the radios.


Tighter specifications provide enhanced rejection of interference so you can get your message through clearly.
X-pand technology provides crisp, clear and strong audio quality in a noisy environment.
Li-Ion battery provides more than 11 hours of battery life at high power to meet the demands of your employee’ s work shift.

Easy to Use

User programmable features allow customization of radio profile while on the go.
5 progammable buttons enabling easy, one touch access for up to a 10 user-selectable features.
The light weight and compact design allows easy handlin

HT Motorola CP1300

Built-in simple voice scrambling for increased privacy.
Built-in DTMF signalling provides caller identification and private communication.
Full Keypad provides easy accessibility to change channels or place a selective call ( DTMF signalling)
VOX ready for hands-free communication so users can focus on the job at hand.
The 99 channels allow users to organise their work teams into different talk groups, increasing the flexibility of the radios.


Tighter specifications provide enhanced rejection of interference so you can get your message through clearly.
X-pand technology provides crisp, clear and strong audio quality in a noisy environment.
Li-Ion battery provides more than 11 hours of battery life at high power to meet the demands of your employee’ s work shift.

Easy to Use

User programmable features allow customization of radio profile while on the go.
5 progammable buttons enabling easy, one touch access for up to a 10 user-selectable features.
The light weight and compact design allows easy handling.

HT Motorola GP 3188

Product Features:

-16 channel operation
-Supports slim LiIon and extended LiIon batteries
-Companding Technology
-Battery lock feature
-Internal VOX
-Cloning Operation
-Permanent Sticky monitor
-LED Battery Indicator
-High/ Low power
-Repeater/ Talk around
-Tight/ Normal Squelch
-Single Priority Scan
-Busy Channel Lockout
-Nuisance Channel Delete
-Time-Out Timer



Covers 144~148MHz,
128 PC-programmable channels
Alphanumeric name tagging
Several scanning modes
FM Broadcast band receive
Voice compander
Scrambling inversion
Select battery save parameters
CTCSS/DCS encode/decode
DTMF keypad entry
VOX included
Voice prompts 



• Frequency range: 140MHz-174MHz ( VHF )
• Number of channels: 200
• Power output: 5W
• Signalling: ANI, CTCSS, DTCS, DTMF, 2-Tone, 5-Tone
• Dotmatrix LCD, alphanumeric channel names
• Built-in voice encryption
• FSK short message function
• Size: 270 x 56 x 30 mm
• Weight: 210g 


Features of DR-620T/ E:

VHF/ UHF operation includes V/ U, V/ V and U/ U modes
( Not capable of full-duplex V/ U, V/ V, U/ U operation. The sub-band mutes while transmitting on the Main band)
200 Memory channels
H/ M/ L power output settings- VHF: 50/ 10/ 5w UHF: 35/ 10/ 5w
Large alphanumeric display
Selectable display color illumination
Internal duplexer - single PL-type antenna connector
Removable control head can be remote mounted or allow transceiver to be inverted
Expanded receive range includes FM broadcast band ( WFM)
AM Aircraft band reception and MARS modifiable ( T models only)
Power supply voltage display
Theft alarm feature
Optional 1200 and 9600 bps packet operation with optional EJ-50U
Direct GPS input for APRS mobile tracking ( requires optional EJ-50U)
Digital voice communications with optional EJ-47U ( where permitted)
Optional illuminated DTMF EMS-57 microphone ( included with DR-620T) allows direct VFO frequency entry and remote control of transceiver
CTCSS & DCS encode and decode plus four different tone bursts
CTCSS Tone and DCS scan
Programmable VFO and Memory scan including Timed, Busy and Skip mode.
" Time Out" timer and Busy-Channel-Lock-Out
Cable Clone feature
Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
Ignition key activated power on/ off feature 


Features of DR-135T/EMKIII

Revised NEW circuit to be compliant to RoHS/Lead-free order in EU.
Voice-only FXE-version available (European model only, EJ-41U/47U not usable).
EJ-41U internal TNC board is available as an option for 1200/9600bps packet
50 watts, H/M/L power settings
100 memory channels
Front panel data port
Rear panel DSUB9 computer connection
No need to remove mic for packet operation
Ignition key on/off feature
CTCSS, DCS encode+decode, DTMF encode and Tone-burst are all standards
Clean, clear Alinco audio
Super-wide 7 character alphanumeric display
Wide and narrow FM modes (16K0 & 8K50F3E)
Theft alarm feature
A large, palm-fitting commercial-grade backlit microphone with a metal connector (not a modular plug) as well as direct frequency input and direct multi-function access such as monitor, call channel, power setting, memory to VFO plus more!
Stays in mode you select (voice/packet) through
power off cycles
Ten autodial memories
and more....at Low Alinco price! 


Alinco DJ-596 Dual Band handheld
Full of advanced features, the DJ-596 offers simple programming & operation, powerful output & the optional capability of adding digital voice communications to your operations. CTCSS & DCS encode+ decode are standard, along with a variety of tone bursts for repeater access or selective calling.
The DTMF pad is standard & DTMF sequences can be stored in autodial memories. Convenience features include direct frequency input, alphanumeric channel labels & 100 memory channels that can each store up to 15 operating parameter.
- VHF/ UHF Tx/ Rx including cross-band split operation
- 100 memory channels, any mix of UHF/ VHF
- Alphanumeric channel labels
- Direct frequency input from keypad
- CTCSS, DCS encode & decode
- Tone bursts
- Three scan modes
- and much, much more!


Alinco has created a new UHF FM Hand held Transceiver that sets new standards in features, convenience and easy operation. The DJ-496T sports an alphanumeric display for easy memory management. It has an ergonomic design that's "user friendly" and the 4 watt output battery is standard. You'll be ready to travel the world with CTCSS encode+decode, DCS and European tone bursts, all included at no extra cost. Best of all, the DJ-496T retains the proud Alinco tradition of quality construction and excellent value.

• Alphanumeric display
• 40 memory channels + Call Channel
• Backlit Keypad
• 4 watt output with standard battery
• CTCSS encode+decode and DCS
• 13.8 VDC direct input with battery charge feature
• Direct frequency input
• S-meter
• Autodialer
• Cable Cloning
• Computer programmable (third party software required)
• MARS/CAP capability
• Additional features, including theft alarm! 


• Alphanumeric display
• 40 memory channels
• 5 watt output with standard battery
• CTCSS encode+ decode and DCS
• 13.8 VDC direct input with battery charge feature
• Direct frequency input
• S-meter
• Autodialer
• Cable Cloning
• Computer programmable ( third party software required)
• MARS/ CAP capability ( DJ-195T/ 196T)
• Additional features, including theft alarm!



75W of output power

The combination of Icom’s one piece, die-cast aluminum chassis and 75W of transmit power gives you the most powerful 2m mobile transceiver in its class! Your communications will get through.

HM-133V, remote control microphone

The backlit HM-133V*, gives you control of your IC-V8000 in the palm of your hand. The Icom exclusive “Hot keys” (F1/F2) memorize the transceiver full settings. As if switching between two separate radios, all operating frequencies, tone settings as well as the display color, fan speed, and set mode settings are memorized.

Dynamic Memory Scan (DMS)

With 200 alphanumeric memory channels, Icom’s exclusive DMS system gives you flexibility over your scanning lists never offered before in a 2m mobile, fully customizable into 10 banks.

CTCSS and DTCS operation standard

50 CTCSS and 104×2 DTCS encode/decode plus tone scan functions for various communication applications. The “pocket beep” feature gives you an audible and visual indicator of an incoming call.

Weather Alert Scan (U.S.A. version only)

An amateur radio first, the IC-V8000 features a weather alert function to keep you on top of any weather emergencies. With a weather radio mode or weather alert, you are ready for quick response.

Easy Operation

The perfect solution for mobile operation, the ICV8000 has a front firing speaker providing crisp and clear audio. Along with a 6 character alphanumeric display, it offers quick reference of user-defined memory channel information.

Standard DTMF encoder and optional decoder

10 DTMF memory channels with up to 24-digit DTMF codes can be used to control other equipment. The optional UT-108 DTMF decoder provides code squelch and pager functions.

And more…

  • FM narrow mode switchable
  • Selectable squelch delay
  • 10dB squelch attenuator
  • Cloning capability from PC or between radios


Walau masih pro dan kontra tentang dunia yang satu ini, namun lambat laun penggemarnya terus bertambah, terbukti dengan bertambah banyak bermunculan server penyedia room.

eQSO adalah klien/server software program yang dirancang oleh para Amateur Radio untuk menghubungkan Amateur Radio RF gateways dan repeaters melalui Internet. perangkat lunak dapat digunakan oleh Amateur Radio berlisensi dan Short Wave pendengar (SWL) dengan aturan-aturan yang harus diikuti

Rekan Amateur yang ingin menggunakan eQSO sebagai PC Client atau RF Gateway dengan link atau repeater bisa melakukan registrasi dan downlaod software pada http://www.eqso.org/.

  Pada halaman registrasi kita isi data lengkap, dan IAR (IZIN AMATIR RADIO)/(RADIO AMATEUR LICENSE) yang sah dan masih berlaku. Untuk IAR kita scanner atau bisa di photo untuk di upload pada kolom copy of your license.

Setelah registrasi satu atau dua hari, anda akan mendapatkan konfirmasi via e_mail:
(Kira-Kira Begini Bunyinya)

eQSO Registration
Thank you for registering eQSO.
eQSO requires that you confirm your email address before we can process your registration.
To Confirm your e-mail address please click THIS link.
Lakukan confirmasi dengan click THIS link.
Jika anda telah melakukan confirmasi, satu atau beberapa hari eQSO akan memberikan registration key, seperti berikut:
eQSO Registration Key
Your eQSO Registration is complete.
You will need to enter the following information into your eQSO program
Callsign: XXXXXX
Password: XXXXXXXX
After the registration it can take up to one day, that you can connect to the server. Don't worry, please wait.
PLEASE - also delete the 'Welcome to eQSO' greeting in the comment line,
then enter your own name and location before connecting to the eQSO server.

NOTE - Keep this information safe: you may need it again if you change computer!
artinya kira-kira: "simpen baek-baek password diatas, barangkali nanti kelupaan"

Jika proses registrasi selesai dengan sempurna anda telah mendapatkan Password & software Key.

Setelah anda mendapat software yang tadi telah anda download
Jalankan sofwarenya pada PC ata Laptop anda.

1. lakukan KLIK menu register pada tampilan eQSO, click pada Register, masukan: callsign, UserPassword, RegisterKey.

2. Silahkan KLIK pada menu edit untuk setting ROOM yang kelak anda akan gunakan

sebagai contoh :
a. Nama: Orari Digital, Server : eqso.ordigi.net, Port: 8888, room: ORARI-DIGI

b. Nama : eQSOIndonesia, Server : eqsoindonesia.net, Port: 10024, room: INDONESIA
c. Nama :eQSO-Nasional, Server : eqso-nasional.net, Port: 10024, room: NASIONAL
c. Dan banyak room lainnya yang dapat anda kunjungi

Setelah selesai kita mulai masuk dengan memilih room yang akan anda kunjungi lalu klik CONECT.

Selamat ber QSO.


 EchoLink ® software memungkinkan berlisensi stasiun Radio Amatir untuk berkomunikasi dengan satu sama lain melalui Internet, dengan menggunakan teknologi streaming-audio. Program ini memungkinkan koneksi di seluruh dunia yang akan dibuat antara stasiun, atau dari komputer ke stasiun, sangat meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi Amatir Radio.Ada lebih dari 200.000 pengguna di seluruh dunia divalidasi - di 151 dari 193 negara di dunia - dengan sekitar 5.200 secara online pada waktu tertentu.
Program ini berjalan pada Microsoft Windows ® . Hal ini ditawarkan secara gratis dan dapat di-download di sini .
EchoLink adalah paket perangkat lunak fitur lengkap dengan banyak fitur penting dan berguna. Untuk gambaran singkat, Mengambil Tour !
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang program menghubungkan Internet seperti EchoLink, lihat QST untuk Februari 2003, halaman 44, atau download PDF dari situs web ARRL .


Amatir Radio Berjiwa Perwira
Secara Sadar ia tidak akan menggunakan udara untuk kesenangan pribadi, sedemikian rupa sehingga mengurangi kesenangan orang lain.

Amatir Radio Adalah Setia
Ia mendapat izin dari Pemerintah karena organisasinya dan ia akan setia dan patuh kepada negara dan organisasinya.

Amatir Radio Adalah Progresif
Amatir radio selalu menyesuaikan stasiun radionya setingkat dengan ilmu pengetahuan. Ia membuatnya dengan baik dan efisien, ia mempergunakan dan melayaninya dengan cara bersih dan teratur.

Amatir Radio Adalah Seorang Ramah Tamah
Jika diminta, ia akan mengirim beritanya dengan perlahan dan sabar, kepada yang belum berpengalaman ia memberi nasehat, pertimbangan dan bantuan secara ramah tamah, inilah ciri-ciri khas Amatir Radio.

Amatir Radio Berjiwa Seimbang
Radio merupakan hobbynya, ia tidak akan memperkenankan hobbynya mempengaruhi kewajibannya terhadap rumah tangga, pekerjaan, sekolah atau masyarakat sekitarnya.

Amatir Radio adalah Seorang Patriot
Ia selalu siap sedia dengan pengetahuan dan stasiun radionya untuk mengabdi kepada negara dan masyarakat.


server : eqsoindonesia.net
Port : 10025
Net : Indonesia

Untuk di PC
Software bisa didownload : [disini]
- seting dan instalasi untuk pc (versi google translate)
Mengambil langkah-langkah berikut untuk mengatur stasiun FRN Anda:

LANGKAH 1: Download
Unduh FRN Client [disini].

LANGKAH 2: Instal FRN client
Instal program ini.

LANGKAH 3: Kabel Audio / interface
Jika menggunakan program di PC Hanya modus, menghubungkan mikrofon ke input mikrofon pada kartu suara anda.
Jika Anda ingin mengatur gateway, membuat kabel audio untuk menghubungkan output speaker / headset PMR untuk line-in pada kartu suara dan untuk menghubungkan kartu suara untuk Mi.-input PMR itu. Silahkan lihat di sini untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang antarmuka ini. Anda tidak harus menggunakan port com, tapi memasukkan rig dengan port com bekerja jauh lebih baik. Jika port com tidak digunakan, mengganti PMR ke mode VOX.

LANGKAH 4: Membuat akun
Jika menggunakan FRN Klien pertama kalinya, akun harus dibuat. Jalankan program dan klik pada 'Setting -> Identifikasi'. Suatu bentuk (Identification) akan ditampilkan yang harus diisi.
Untuk ' PC hanya mode' pilih ' PC pengguna ' .Untuk gateway pilih ' Gateway ' . Yang digunakan Band , saluran dan sistem memadamkan harus dipilih . Kebanyakan gateway memanfaatkan channel 5 , 6 atau 7 dengan CTCSS 20 .Anda tidak tahu password belum, sehingga meninggalkan ' Password' kosong untuk saat ini . Sekarang klik ' Dapatkan Password' . Sebuah e -mail akan dikirim ke alamat yang Anda telah terisi Dalam surat ini sandi Anda diberikan . Isi password ini di ' Password' lapangan dan dari klik OK . Anda akan selalu dapat mengubah pengaturan ' Identifikasi ' dengan ' Setting - > Identifikasi ' . ( Disconnect Pertama )
PERHATIAN : Jika Anda off -line selama beberapa bulan , account Anda dapat dihapus . Dalam hal ini Anda tidak dapat terhubung ke server apapun . Jika Anda klik pada ' Dapatkan Password' , akun Anda akan dibuat lagi , dan Anda akan mendapatkan password baru. Setelah Anda mengisi password baru , Anda akan memiliki akses ke FRN lagi .
Dalam kasus Anda tidak mendapatkan akses sama sekali , periksa apakah Anda menggunakan versi FRN Client terbaru dan jika server Anda ingin menghubungkan adalah on-line . Anda dapat memeriksa bahwa dengan ' View -> System Explorer ' dan di website ini .
LANGKAH 5: Antarmuka
'PC hanya pengguna tidak perlu melakukan langkah ini.
Ketik 'Test' dalam bidang 'Net' dan klik 'Connect'.
Pergi ke 'Settings -> Antarmuka'.
Dalam ' pandangan Antarmuka ' Anda menentukan bagaimana program dan gateway - PMR harus bereaksi satu sama lain .PC ke Radio : Jika PMR tidak didorong oleh port com , pilih ' Gunakan VOX di radio ' . Dalam hal ini Anda harus memastikan bahwa VOX di PMR diaktifkan . Tergantung pada PMR dan kartu suara VOX di PMR bisa mengganggu transmisi pada saat-saat diam selama lebih . Metode yang lebih baik untuk pergi ke rig menggunakan port COM Jika Anda memiliki antarmuka port com untuk mengemudi PMR , maka Anda pilih ' Gunakan COM -port ' . Dalam hal ini Anda perlu menentukan mana pin yang digunakan, RTS / DTR . Tinggi aktif berarti bahwa RTS / DTR memiliki tegangan tinggi ketika PMR harus mengirimkan dan aktif rendah berarti bahwa RTS / DTR rendah ketika PMR harus mengirimkan .Radio Untuk PC : Pengaturan ini untuk mengemudi FRN oleh PMR .Pilih port com di mana antarmuka port com terhubung ke .The Memadamkan Settling Time adalah waktu perangkat lunak tidak mengirimkan audio ke internet setelah PMR beralih dari mengirimkan untuk menerima . Pada saat itu sinyal pendek berasal dari output PMR speaker . Hal ini dapat menyebabkan memantul dari sistem . Pasang Memadamkan Pembenahan pada 1500 ms untuk memulai dengan . Kemudian Anda dapat mencoba untuk dekrit saat ini.The Courtesy Delay adalah waktu dalam milidetik antara akhir sebuah over pada saluran lokal dan awal roger - bip . Kali ini harus sesingkat mungkin, tetapi cukup lama untuk membuka memadamkan portables menggunakan gateway .Setelah al pengaturan yang dibuat , pandangan ini dapat ditutup dengan 'OK' .
Hanya mode PC: Pilih mikrofon sebagai perangkat rekaman. Tahan tombol PTT. Bicara ke mikrofon. VU meter kiri harus bergerak sekarang. Sesuaikan Microphone dengan menggeser trek atas atau bawah. Puncak dari sinyal harus naik hanya di bawah maksimum.

Untuk gateway: Pilih baris masukan sebagai perangkat rekaman. Mengatur volume PMR tidak menurunkan 1/4 dan tidak lebih tinggi dari 1/2 dari maksimal. Mengirimkan dengan PMR kedua. VU meter kiri harus bergerak sekarang. Sesuaikan baris masukan dengan menggeser trek naik atau turun dan dengan mengubah volume PMR gerbang. Puncak dari sinyal harus naik hanya di bawah maksimum.

LANGKAH 7: Volume control
Membuat koneksi dengan jaring yang klien lain yang on-line. Pilih perangkat pemutaran yang digunakan dalam tampilan struktur pohon.
Untuk gateway, volume harus disesuaikan dari modulasi yang baik, tidak lembut, tidak keras. Gunakan PMR kedua untuk memantau modulasi. Modulasi dapat disesuaikan dengan 'Volume' dan bar slide 'Gelombang'.
Lebih detail silahkan klik : [disini]

Untuk di HP :
Untuk smartphone android download aplikasi : [disini]

sebelum install cek dulu ke menu hp, settings, Applications, terus centang unknown sources, ok.
kemudian install aplikasinya kalau sudah terinstal silahkan ikuti langkah selanjutnya
isi data-data berikut
Server addres : eqsoindonesia.net:10025
Default channel : Indonesia
Callsign : diisi callsign masing2
Name : diisi nama
Email address : diisi email yg aktif
Client type : disesuaikan( waktu uji coba sy pakai PC Only)
Initial status : disesuaikan (sy pakai availabe)
City : diisi nama kota
Location QTH locator : diisi locator dimana anda tinggal
Nation : diisi nama negara
Description : diisi coment atau dibiarkan default
Password : diisi password yg telah dikasih dari FRN
